Scotty's Castle lies in Grapevine Canyon, in northern Death Valley National Park. The nearest services are 44 miles away. Death Valley Scotty was a nationwide celebrity through the first half of the 20th century. Scotty (Walter Scott) was part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and was also know for "tall tales". His biggest tall tale was about the gold mine he had found in Death Valley. One of his investors, Chicago businessman Albert Johnson, realized that there never was a gold mine. In spite of this fact he became friends with Scotty. Both Albert Johnson and his wife Bessie were take with the peacefulness and scenic beauty of Death Valley. Scotty's Castle is a showpiece of the treasure that these three found in the desert. The Johnson's found luxury and comfort in their home, beauty and tranquity in the desert, and life-long friendship with the charismatic con-man, Death Valley Scotty. It is truly a remarkable place!!