Monday, March 7, 2016

Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (first trip), across the Laguna Madre from South Padre Island

The refuge was established in 1946 to provide habitat for wintering waterfowl and other migratory birds. The refuge is a premiere bird-watching destination with more recorded species of birds than any other refuge in the National Wildlife Refuge System. The largest population in the United States of ocelots calls the refuge home, making it the center for conservation and recovery efforts for this endangered cat.

We went on a guided guided bird tour of the Main Unit of the refuge.  In spite of it being a windy overcast day, we saw 52 species of birds.  The most exciting new birds for us were the King Rail and Sprague's Pipit. Our camera does not have a good enough zoom to get pictures.

We also went on a one-hour guided bird walk where we were able to get some pictures.  Altimara Orioles, Green Jays, and Common Paraque's are Rio Grande Valley Specialities.
Altimara Oriole

Long-billed Thrasher and Altimara Oriole
Green Jays

Common Pauraque

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